Highlight Projects

2/ arXiv Academic Assistance
As a practitioner in the AI and Data Science field, the ever evolving technology sometimes drown me with papers to catch up. Hence, I made this tool to help people in the research community in general, and those with similar situation as me in particular. arXiv Academic Assistance will filter for best papers in your field within a chosen time range and present in a summarized format, saving you time and effort everyweek . You can read a detail report here: https://www.jhnthenewbie.com/post/personal-project-a-deep-dive-into-the-arxiv-paper-summarizer
3/ Toronto Theft From Motor Analysis
From Toronto Police Public Dataset, we performed an analysis on the trend of theft over the years, specifically from 2013 to 2022. You can read a detail report here: https://www.jhnthenewbie.com/post/toronto-theft-from-motor-vehicle-analysis
4/ Bike Rending Analysis
From the Kaggle dataset published by the company, we perform analysis to discover interesting seasonal and temporal trends. Then, we suggest suitable pricing suggestion to help the company maximize profit and operation. You can read a detail report here: https://www.jhnthenewbie.com/post/uncovering-actionable-insights-seasonal-trend-in-bike-rental-data-analysis
5/ Spotify 2023 Music Analysis
Uncover the 2023 music trend on Spotify with a data-driven analysis. From high-energy beats to release patterns, delve into the pulse of music culture.. You can read a detail report here: https://www.jhnthenewbie.com/post/decoding-spotify-2023-music-trend-a-data-driven-analysis